Carbon Footprint


Hello! Business Carbon
Footprint Services

Carbon Footprint Validation and Certifications

The climate is changing. Nowadays we have an accelerating warming trend that has brought the global mean temperature up 0.8°C over the past century and more than 0.4°C over the last decade.

Global warming is caused by releasing what are called greenhouse gases (GHG): carbon dioxide and other gases warm the surface of the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere.

However, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere and temperatures are rising into the atmosphere thereby increasing the planet`s temperature leading to real issues: melting ice caps, rapidly spreading droughts.

Additionally, the irreversible damage to the world's ecosystems, including the resulting extinction of a large fraction of the earth's species, will be the most extensive civilized humans will have ever experienced.

And yet, with every ton of carbon burned, the earth is irreversibly altered and the changes in climate to come will likely threaten many people's access to those basic services: including food, shelter and water.

Everything we buy, produce, use and dispose of has a carbon footprint. The carbon footprint of a product or service is the total carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases emitted during its life cycle, ranging from its raw materials, through production to its final disposal.


Why a Carbon
Footprint Label?

A Carbon Footprint Label leads to understand the carbon emissions of the products, sites and services they use and support positively the environment with sustainability development.
    Measuring carbon emissions at every step of the supply chain leads to valuable energy and cost saving opportunities and this ultimately contributes to a cleaner, better world.
      Publicizing a carbon footprint reduction with a recognized Eco-Label enhances brand reputation and sales appeal. It is the first step towards carbon neutral targets.
        What is a carbon footprint?
        Organizations 01

        To measure, reduce, improve eco-efficiency and communicate the lifecycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of their products, site and services

        Customers 02

        To help customers of manufacturers make choices that would lower their own carbon footprints, and to educate them on how the way they use the products they buy can lower their carbon footprints by selecting a privileged "eco-friendly" supplier.

        Individuals 03

        To acknowledge and manage their personal carbon footprints every day.


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